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"How long will it take to ship my mouthpiece"

Let's be as straightforward as possible: we LOVE all of you, we LOVE that you help our passion, our business, our "child", to grow so quickly and so massively.
We owe you EVERYTHING, we would be NOTHING without YOUR support.

But it's just the two of us, my wife and I. We work every single day of our lives, Monday to Sunday, well beyond what any reasonable person would do.

We want to make the best products possible, we want to make them as perfect as we can in the shortest time possible because we know you all have been through the "6-12 months wait, and that's 400 dollars, please" thing.

We don't make just simple brass mouthpieces, we don't take the short route, most of our products are made with materials that are way harder to machine (think bronze, stainless steel, titanium...), we offer the opportunity to scan mouthpieces, to modify them as you want, to engrave every crazy thing you can think of and so on.
No other company does all these things together.
And it takes a LOT of time.
We are NOT CNC button pushers. We don't have 30 sizes that fit all.
We are well past the 1000 custom mouthpieces, approaching soon 2000.
And still we cost less than most brands.

We try our best to do everything in house, we buy crazy high tech machines to be as productive as possible, we spend countless hours replying to all of your emails, messages, audio and video calls.
Sometimes it takes a day or two to reply (or three...) but we pride in being us doing everything.
We want YOU to deal with US.

And this can be done, if you help us.

We don't have fake companies, we don't have our horns and mouthpieces made this month in Italy, the next in Texas, the next in Poland or in Netherlands or who knows where tomorrow. We actually have our hands dirty into the things we make.

We could do as many other "custom" makers do: they buy the usual "far east" parts, they stamp a logo and they charge a few thousands saying "only we know the science".

We don't make "Double high C" videos all day, we tour the world desperately trying to convince people and shops to sell what is made by someone else.

We don't like that, we say what we buy, we say what we make (well, almost everything), we design things in house, we prototype them, we actually produce them, we polish, clean, test, pack, invoice and send.
It takes time, it takes A LOT of time.
But most of all it takes a lot of FOCUS.

What KILLS us is the thousands and thousands of UNNEEDED messages that we receive every month.
We don't want to leave you days and days waiting for a reply.

But most of these messages DAMAGE US and YOU ALL.


You are the main contributors to any delay in production.

You can't write to us "M....... wanted 1700 dollars for a custom mouthpiece with a 12 months wait that ended up being 2 years" or "I ordered and paid for this trumpet in 2017 and I still haven't received it" and then complain after 1 week for a mouthpiece that costs 1/5th of it and takes 1 month to make.


Let's get to the core of this long page:


If we say "2-6 weeks" it means "2-6 weeks". It might take 3 days and it might even mean 8 weeks, if COVID gets in the way and "hijacks" a few hundred mouthpieces because the plating company is forced to stay closed.

We don't say "6 months" and then it becomes 1-2 years.
We say 2-6 weeks because we KNOW FOR SURE that your mouthpiece will be made in 1-6 days and after that we need to wait until we have enough mouthpieces to send to the plating company. Let's say 1-4 weeks until we have a few hundreds ready to be shipped.
Then it takes 4-8 days between plating and shipping back and forth.

This means that we can "safely" promise 2-6 weeks.
Unfortunately we can't always keep our promises because... COVID... because... mouthpieces can be damaged during transport, because you changed your mind 4 weeks after the order is placed...
But most of the times it's BECAUSE YOU KEEP WRITING US EVERY 2 or 3 DAYS!!!!

We need to work, we are working for you, we want to ship mouthpieces out as fast as possible, we want you HAPPY. And we want you happy AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.

But if you keep writing us when you know it's only been a week since you placed the order "just to say hi and to ask how was my mouthpiece going", well, you are playing against yourself.
I WILL reply to your email, and I WILL tell you that I already made your mouthpiece and that it will take X many weeks to be plated.
No matter how many times you ask I will ALWAYS reply in the same way.

There is no shortcut, there is no "famous players have a better service", you can ask Sergei Nakariakov, Alex Sipiagin, Scott Tinkler and so on.
They all wait the same time because... it all depends on the plating company.

So, please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEEAAAAAAASEEEEEEE stop writing us every few days.

Write us 6 weeks after you placed the order, that will be the right time to ask.
And ask just once, WE CARE about you, we want you HAPPY, we NEED your support, WE LOVE making trumpets and mouthpiece.
But we HATE wasting our time replying to the same emails over and over.

End of the rant.
I hope.
Elisa and Tony

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